Functionalities HIT
As a result of collaborating hand in hand with specialists in various disciplines of the horse environement, a series of functionalities to the colic equine detection system have been incorporated, which is the reason to be of the product.
You will find the different functionalities available detailed below.
Early detection of Colic
There are more than 800 equine colic in Spain diagnosed per month (insurance companies data) of which about 240 colic derive in surgical intervention and about 160 colic resulting in death.
Our system of control and early detection of equine colic is the result of months of study and hand-to-hand testing with the most reputable professionals in the sector.
HIT is always on ALERT, analyzing the horse behaviour while it is inside the BOX, performing an exact and early colic detection of trapped horse.
The patented HIT system runs a software that constantly analyzes the information received by the system devices installed in the BOX, giving an alert to the owner of the Club and / or horse to take the appropriate measures in the shortest time.

Anormal state
In addition to the early colic detection the HIT system has the ability to detect horse altered states. These states may happen due to various conditions:
- Altered state of the equine.
- Beginning of illness.
- Stress.
The HIT system analyzes the horse’s condition and notifies the owner of the altered state through the HIT Telegram Bot or the mobile APP.

State of Box
For different reasons, the HIT system monitors when the horse is inside the box. Using the APP the customer can:
- Know in real time if the horse is inside the box.
- Access the entrances and outputs records.
This information is specially interesting when the box have a paddock. In cases like this the system can be runned wit a multi-camera basis to monitor the horse inside the box or anywhere in the paddock.

Inputs and outputs
The same way we control if the horse is inside the box or not, the HIT system monitors when a person enters inside the box. Via APP we will be able to see:
- When was the last time a person entered in the box.
- The “people’s record” entries in the box.
This information may be interesting for several reasons:
- Colic control.
- Control of the cleanliness of box.
- Control of unauthorized entries, sabotage or even theft.
In specific cases can parameterize the system perform telephone listings.

Birth Pain Detection
The HIT system offers a Brand new function: birht pain detector.
HIT mode “Birth”
HIT offers two different ways: standard and birth. When the birth modus is activated we are indicating the system to monitor the mare in research of birth simptoms. When the birth patterns are detected the system alerts the owner via pone call to the emergency number provided and a message is sent through the Telegram Smart bot.

Horse Intelligent Technology
HIT is a company at the service of your horse welfare. Detection of early colic, intelligent detection of abnormal behaviours, water consumption control, temperature check and parturition state detection.
Central Office
Ramón LLull 10-12
08440, Cardedeu, Barcelona, Spain
+34 93 795 83 75